Contribution to society - Ligth Water Reactor (LWR) safety enhancement

Typical thermal fatigue problems in LWR to be adressed and regulated.
Research objective

To address thermal fatigue issues in a scientific and reasonable way but also to enhance current machine maintenance, Our research focus on the three following points.

1. Load and damage mechanism Clarification
・Clarification of fatigue mechanism from Load generation to failure.
・To create guidance that described damage evaluation method based on the mechanism knowledge obtain in order to contribute to performance evaluations.
2. To bluid knowledge bases on simulation technologies
・Numerical simulation techniques for thermal stress evaluation
・Development of evaluation method for results verification and validation
3. Proposition of degradation prediction formula for safety assessment.
・Proposition of probabilistic method to predict function loss using thermal fatigue degradation prediction function
・Using knowledge base, modelling and simulation, enhancement of degradation prediction is performed.
Improvement of thermal fatigue evaluation method

To develop improved method consistent with the guidelines for high cycle thermal fatigue evaluation of pipes from the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. (JSME S017 2003)
