Education - Integration of different fields of study for solution proposition

Most important fields of study
  1. Material science
  2. Heat transfer engineering
  3. Fluid mechanism
  4. Mechanic
  5. Numerical calculation
  6. Reliability engineering
Text books
  • 上坂 充、鬼沢 邦雄、笠原 直人、鈴木 一彦 著
    「原子炉構造工学」 オーム社(2009)
  • 日本機械学会、JSMEテキストシリーズ
    「材料力学」、「伝熱工学」、「流体力学」、「振動学」、「演習 材料力学」 丸善
  • 泉 聡志、酒井信介 著
    「実践有限要素法シミュレーション」 森北出版
  • 小林英男 編著
    「リスクベース工学の基礎」 内田老鶴圃(2011)
System integration
  • Knowledge and wisdom are the based of society law and standards organization.
  • The common practice of individual works integration in the standard organization maximize the value of research and study.
  • For this reason, our research focus on the generalization and standardization of our findings and achievements.
  • To achieve the above objective, our student are also trained in organization and logical thinking.

To acquire both the essence of a study field and the capacity to integrate it with other fields, two phases are required in the so called T shaped learning process.

Step1 : Acquisition of the knowledge and the ability to understand dynamic phenomenon and simulation results in structure mechanics
Step2 : Learning how to generalize and standardize these knowledge for different applications.